Toothpaste Anti-Parodontit Pomorin Rubella

# 5443

  • Toothpaste with preventative action against gingivitis.
  • Contains sea salts - a natural source of minerals and trace elements.
  • Strengthens the gums and stops bleeding.
  • It limits and slows the inflammation processes that cause gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Improves salivation, as a result of which the oral cavity is naturally cleansed.
  • Leaves fresh breath.
100 ml.
  • 1.69 (excl. VAT: €1.41)

excl. VAT: €1.41

Toothpaste Anti-Parodontit Pomorin Rubella

Toothpaste Anti-Parodontit Pomorin Rubella

100 ml.

1.69 excl. VAT: €1.41

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About the product

Rubella's toothpaste with anti-gingival action from the Pomorin cosmetic range is suitable for both oral prevention and treatment of bleeding and sensitive gums. The paste strengthens the gums and limits and slows the inflammation processes. Cleanses the oral cavity well and improves the saliva, resulting in the oral cavity being clean and fresh for longer. 

Directions for use

For healthy gums and teeth, use at least twice a day. The product is suitable for adults and children over 7 years of age.

Terms of Delivery

  • European countries

    starts from €10*

  • Rest of the World

    starts from €15*

* terms and conditions apply

Approximate delivery time

5-15 working days

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